ASSOCIATES (vol. 10, no. 1, July 2003) -

Letters To The Editor

Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2003
Subject: Bookmobiles

To Tinker Massey:

I have received the following article [*Book Wagons to Book Mobiles* by Tinker Massey in Associates March 2003 (vol. 9, no. 3)] as it has been passed on by various librarians. It is of interest to me as I edit Service Point, the British periodical on mobile libraries (bookmobiles) and I also edit the newsletter for the IFLA mobile library section. If you are the original author I would like permission , with due acknowledgement , to publish your article in the next issue, as I think it is a wonderful summing up of the role of the bookmobile. It is also appropriate for most countries in the world, many of whom still use camels and horses to get their books. Indeed in the current IFLA newsletter there is an article on elephant libraries. (See and click onto the mobile section newsletter.) If you would like to see a sample copy of Service Point, please let me know.

Thanks in anticipation,

Ian Stringer
Support Services Officer
Central Library

Editor: Tinker Massey received several emails praising her article. Associates is always delighted to grant permission to reprint articles. We request that the author and Associates be given credit in the reprint.


Date: Sat, 07 Jun 2003
From: "Rose"
Subject: a question for Associates regarding new patron registration online

Hello Wendee,

I'm a new subscriber to ASSOCIATES. Is there a question/answer board associated with the e-journal? My question would be this: Who has experience with new patron registration online? Has anyone written a column about online registration? How can I find out What Works? Thanks for any help you can give.


Editor: Associates doesn't have a question/answer board. We do not allow anyone to use the subscriber list to post messages to subscribers. However, have you subscribed to LIBSUP-L? It's a listserv for library staff (primarily paraprofessional) where you can ask library questions and someone out there will probably have a good answer or may have experienced the same thing. To subscribe, send an email to: In the body of your email type: "SUBSCRIBE" and "your name". No one has written a column about online registration for Associates. I'm always looking for articles, so if you find you want to write an article about it ... I'd be glad to publish it.

Would any of our Associates readers be able to assist Rose?


Date: Tue, 10 Jun 2003
From: Susan Salt
Subject: Associates Calendar Events form


To make it easier and to make sure I have all the necessary information, I have a short form for folks to fill out for Calendar Events in Associates. So, if anyone sends you an e-mail, can you please have them fill out the following form, or just forward the e-mail to me and I will take care of it. Thanks!


Event Title:
Registration Information and Deadlines:
Contact Information:
URL if available:
Brief Description of the Event:

Editor: Thanks, Susan. I’ll share this information with the subscribers.


Date: Mon, 14 Jul 2003
From: Michael Brooks
Subject: Yesterdayland disappeared

Hi Wendee,

I received an email from one of the "guides" at He indicated that is now defunct, but a couple of sites are recreating it from cached Web pages.

I thought this might be useful in case you received any letters to the editor about the site's whereabouts.



Editor: In the March 2003 issue (vol. 9, no. 3) , Michael submitted a website review of titled "The Land of Yesteryear." The day before Associates was published I had a great time exploring the website. However, the day Associates was published, the website disappeared and is apparently defunct. I’m keeping my fingers crossed for Michael’s July 2003 review of


Letters to the Editors may be sent to Wendee Eyler, Editor at

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