ASSOCIATES (vol. 1, no. 2, November 1994) -
THE INTERNET GURU by Brad Eden Librarian Associate Scientific and Technical Information Center NASA/Johnson Space Center Houston, Texas After our short introduction to the Internet in the premiere issue of ASSOCIATES, this issue will examine the most common and well-known aspect of the Internet, LISTSERVS. Before I begin, I would like to thank those people who contacted me and mentioned their interest in learning about this topic and/or mentioned titles for the column: Harry Rezzemini, Flo Thompson, and Joan Scott. I would also like to encourage everyone to write me at: with their suggestions and comments on current and future topics of discussion. LISTSERV was one of the first networking channels that made it possible to integrate world-wide networks of scholars together via computers, and allowed them to communicate from one person to many people via a "list." When one sent a message to a listserv, it was sent to everyone on the "list." Now, listservs have multiplied by the hundreds, and it is the most frequently used and best known aspect of the Internet. A listserv command consists of a message that one sends to another computer using an e-mail system such as SMTP (simple mail transfer protocol). In order to subscribe to a list on a listserv, one needs to know the computer's "address." This address usually begins as listserv@Õnode-addresså, and requires a one-line message in the body of the text. For instance, to subscribe to the LIBSUP-L list for library support staff, you send the following message to: Leave the subject line blank, and write: subscribe libsup-l firstname lastname in the message area. That's it! In a few seconds to a few hours (depending on telecommunications traffic), you will receive a message from the computer at the University of Washington that you have been subscribed to the LIBSUP-L list. You will receive every message sent to the LIBSUP-L list, and every message you send in reply will be sent to every member of the same list. Here are two important "addresses" to get you started in finding lists and their listserv addresses of interest to you: 1) (Internet) or listserv@kentvm.bitnet (Bitnet) in body of text: get acadlist readme (Diane Kovac's list of 1200 academic lists/directions for use) 2) in body of text: sub net-happenings firstname lastname (sends you a message for every new list on the Internet) So, subscribe to LIBSUP-L if you haven't already, get Kovac's academic list, and subscribe to net-happenings for the latest lists added to the Internet. Make SURE that you follow directions for subscribing to each list EXACTLY, as some are different than others. Also, it is a good idea to make a paper copy of the list's subscription message, as it tells how to unsubscribe in case you decide that you are not interested in the list. Keep this copy in a folder with listserv messages from any other lists that you are subscribed to. About 30-50% of the messages on some lists are people trying to unsubscribe, and not knowing how to do it. Let me know how you're doing, and what other topics you would like discussed. Until next time. . .