ASSOCIATES (vol. 1, no. 2, November 1994) -
FULL-TEXT REVISITED (Part 2) by John Lozowsky Assistant Director Information Management The Treasury Wellington, New Zealand In the last issue of *ASSOCIATES*, we told about The New Zealand Treasury's experience from April 1989 to 1 July 1991 using its full text database of internal documents. Treasury had used BasisPlus to manage the final copy of both its internal policy and administrative documents. Responsibility for the database rested in the newly created Information Centre, an amalgamation of the former Library and the former Records unit. This article is focussed two years later - in July 1993. During those two years, the 300+ staff members in Treasury had shifted from using DEC "dumb" terminals to a 386/486 PC network. Microsoft Windows took over from VMS. Microsoft Word for Windows, Teamlinks E-mail, and Excel replaced the All-In-One character-based Office Automation system. Our weary character-based database was looking decidedly shabby and Windows-based Documents Management systems were finally coming together. It was time to survey our users about their requirements... *********************** *NEW ZEALAND TREASURY USER SURVEY* [Note: the following is summarized from a survey/report done by Rosalind Coote in 1993. Rosalind is currently both Database Administrator and Head of Reference for The Treasury. Please email her at if you have any questions about this survey.] INTRODUCTION The computing environment has changed a lot in Treasury over the last year. Currently, the transition to Microsoft Word and Windows has isolated the Document (DOC) system - it is no longer accessible from the Treasury word processor package, and the DOC user interface contrasts poorly with the rest of the user environment, creating problems particularly with data loading and response time. It is likely that the purchase of a new interface will go to tender so it has become vital to get input from Treasury staff to define what any new system has to deliver for our users. In July 1993, Information Management surveyed all Treasury staff about their needs and usage of the Document system. Aims of the survey were to find out what functions needed to be included in any new Windows-based interface and to build a usage picture of the database to help Technical Services make decisions about future database development. DOC is currently about 88,500 documents in size and growing by 12,000 documents every six months. However, electronic monitoring on the database can't tell us what information types staff are accessing via DOC. The 1993 DOC survey asked: 1. would you be interested in helping us design and test a new interface for DOC? 2. what do you usually go onto DOC to find/what changes would make this easier for you? 3. how frequently would you want to look for each of the following types of information: 1) records of annual reports; books; Treasury files; journals; journal articles; 2) fulltext of budget papers; Cabinet minutes; Cabinet committee minutes; interdepartmental reports; job descriptions; legal documents and delegations; memos, Ministerials, minutes of meetings; newsletters, Official Information Requests and Answers; Office minute Blues/Pinks; Official Papers; papers referred from the Minister's Office to Treasury for information; Parliamentary Questions; press releases; speech notes; Treasury circulars; Treasury reports; unpublished papers, and working papers. 4. would you find it useful to have the following accessible on DOC: spreadsheets; Voter Analysis products; strategic assessment of departments; departmental performance agreements; departmental purchase agreements; multi-year plans for departments; department budget assessments? 5. do you file finished work on the DOC system? 6. would you be interested in seeing a monthly bulletin of all articles recently added to DOC and/or a monthly bulletin of new books recently purchased by the Information Centre? 7. who needs training on DOC? RESULTS A total of 105 surveys were returned with 34% of Treasury staff responding. Branches # of staff Survey Returns % FMB 34 15 27% SPAGS 42 18 43% RTP 50 27 54% Industries 53 11 20% CSB 68 27 39% BMB 55 15 27% [Note: Treasury has seven branches: Financial Management (FMB); Social Policy and Government Services (SPAGS); Regulatory and Tax Policy (RTP); Industries; Corporate Services (CSB); Budget Management (BMB); and the New Zealand Debt Management Office. However, the New Zealand Debt Management Office was only connected to the network in September 1994 and so is not represented in these survey results.] Most people said they didn't use DOC or asked the Information Support Officer (ISO) to search DOC for them. [Note: The Treasury has a network of six Information Support Officers who work in the Policy Branches. They provide two vital functions: the updating of the DOC system with their Branch's output and the provision of a basic reference service to the Branch which includes searching both external and internal databases.] If people did use DOC, they were generally after Treasury Reports, Cabinet or Cabinet committee minutes, books and articles. A frequent complaint was that the current system was slow, cumbersome, and not user friendly or logical. More onscreen assistance was frequently requested. A number of other suggestions for improvement were also made. One feature many did like was Simple Search. >From the responses, it was also obvious that Policy Branches (FMB, SPAGS, Industries, RTP) are the main users of the DOC system even though the other Branches' use is not insignificant. There are active DOC users spread throughout the Branches but in CSB and BMB not all staff need to use DOC for their work. In addition, most of the 26 document types in the survey were accessed or needed to be accessed by staff. However, the documents seemed to fall into three "user" groups: policy documents; ministerial servicing; and treasury management. There was definitely less demand for the treasury management documents like newsletters, legal documents, and job descriptions. At the same time, there are user groups for these documents (such as the need for legal documents in FMB, job descriptions in CSB). CONCLUSIONS Staff definitely want the look and feel of the Word/Windows environment from any new database interface and are avoiding the current system or using it infrequently. Information Management needs to discuss and evaluate the comments from staff to define what the new interface must deliver to end users, particularly the less-frequent searcher. They also need to evaluate the suggestions on new documents types as well as examine the issue of existing secondary document types that are not being captured well or used often. It might be worthwhile considering if treasury documents need to be broken out of DOC into separate, less cumbersome information sources for those user groups who need them. It would also be of long term benefit to process the survey data more fully and to explore how DOC relates to the different Branches to determine, for example, if DOC is mainly a tool for the Policy Branches and should be developed as such or if there are benefits in adding documents types/library materials relevant to BMB and CSB to attract them to DOC. Information Management should explore the use of workgroup- specific databases, allowing the users to add to the workgroup databases themselves the material they feel relevant to their work while maintaining the DOC system as a corporate database controlled and maintained by Information Management. There are development issues also with the capturing of documents and whether more of an effort needs to be made to capture both internal and external working papers "fulltext", unpublished papers, and interdepartmental reports. However, the effort needed has to be weighed against the results gained. ************************ [ This is the second in a series of articles on full text data management compiled by John Lozowsky and the staff at The Treasury. Further articles will cover the search for replacement software, its installation, interface developement and data conversion, and the results. The Editors.]