ASSOCIATES (vol. 3, no. 2, November 1996) -
Editorial [Editor's Note: As we're all in this together, we thought you'd might like to hear the views and thoughts of the other members of the _ASSOCIATES_ Editorial Board. This is the first in a series of editorials by the board members. Katie Buller, as Associate Editor, starts off.] Tonight is a good time to write this. I've just gotten back from the Wisconsin Library Association Support Staff Section yearly conference in Madison and I'm feeling energized. I've renewed my membership and restated my willingness to be active in our support staff section. One of the nice things about it is that it really only takes just a little time to help out. A phone call here or there, or maybe contribute some graphics or come to a meeting to help plan a conference. Sound complicated? It's not, believe me, or I wouldn't be doing it. Anyone who knows me knows that I do not "do complicated" well so doing my bit for the WLA SSS is relatively painless. However, one thing bothered me at this conference. Actually, two things now that I think about it. This conference is actually part of the larger Wisconsin Library Association conference, which "starts" tomorrow according to the preliminary program. Our portion of the conference was completely left out. When the error was corrected in the actual conference program issued today, the only planning committee referred to in the program was the one that organized the portion starting tomorrow. The support staff planning committee received no mention. Small things? Probably. Human error? I like to think so. But frightening just the same. Are paraprofessionals, who make up the majority of library staffs across the country if not the world, becoming invisible in our own libraries? It is a constant struggle to remind our colleagues that the association is called the American LIBRARY Association, not the American LIBRARIAN Association. We as paraprofessionals must continue in the fight. One way to do this is to join and become active in your own professional associations, not to subvert but to strengthen them. As a single voice, you may be lost in the crowd, but with one unified voice we CAN be heard. And a voice consisting of thousands is a voice to be reckoned with. Elsewhere in this issue you'll find a calendar of upcoming paraprofessional events. Find one close to you and plan to attend. You'll be glad you did. Katie Buller Associate Editor