ASSOCIATES (2005, March, v. 11, no. 3) -

Letters To The Editor

Letters to the Editor may be sent to:
      Wendee Eyler, Editor,


Sent: Thursday, November 18, 2004
From: Kevan Warner, University of Alberta, Canada
Subject: November 2004 column *Library Life: A Column Of Eclectic Rantings*

As always the Associates was great. Truly one of my very favorite of 'periodicals'.

We would like your kind permission to reproduce the ever insightful (I'd be more effusive but it would only embarrass me) Katie Buller Kintner column from the November 2004 Associates issue for our NASA Newsletter (the support staff here at the University of Alberta).

[Editor: Associates welcomes and encourages reprints of Associates' columns and features and appreciate when you notify us. We only ask that you cite the author and the Associates issue date. You can read Katie's November 2004 article about decorating your library for the holidays at:]


Sent: Friday, December 03, 2004
From: Tony Po, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Subject: Hello from a Library Assistant working in the University Library of The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Dear Wendee,

My name is Tony Po. I have been working at the HKUST Library for 12 years. Recently, I learnt of your electronic journal "Associates" from the hyperlink at the Website of the Council on Library/Media Technicians. We here in Hong Kong have a Library Association whose URL is There are currently about 605 members in the Association. Although I have no professional qualification in the library science field, I try to learn more about librarianship by reading books borrowed from libraries and reading e-journals such as the Journal of Academic Librarianship from the Web. We are support staff in our libraries and we share similar interests. I hope I can contribute in some way. I would be much grateful if you can publish this email letter in the next issue of "Associates". Thank you for your attention!

Yours sincerely,

Tony Po

[Editor: I was delighted to hear from you! I will gladly publish your letter in the March issue of Associates. Thank you so much for writing.]


Sent: Friday, December 17, 2004
From: Joe Ellison, Northwestern University
Subject: missing issues of Associates

Hi Jim Clark:

I saw Wendee's note in the current issue of Associates regarding the demise of the archives. I have bits and pieces of issues from 1999 onward. Let me know what you need to fill in gaps, and I'll provide whatever I can.

[Editor: Jim Clark, Assistant Editor, responded to Joe and listed the missing articles.]

Hi, Joe.

Thank you for your e-mail. Listed below is what we are missing from our archives. Unfortunately, they are all before 1999. Thanks again!

Missing Associates articles

Volume 1, Number 2 November 1994
      *The Development of the Iowa Library Association Support Personnel Forum* by Mary J. Lohr and Pam J. Williams
      Conference/Teleconference Calendar

Volume 2, Number 3 March 1996
      Letters to the Editor
      *The Internet Guru* by Brad Eden
      *Searching OCLC: Harder, Better, Faster III* by Al Mauler
      *Interview with Martha Parsons and Walt Nickeson* by Kent Slade
      Conference/Teleconference Schedule
      Information of Interest

Volume 3, Number 1 July 1996
      *Preventing Violence in the Workplace* reviewed by Bob Farnsworth
      Conference/Teleconference Schedule

Volume 3, Number 3 March 1997
      Letters to the Editor

Volume 4, Number 1 July 1997
      Letters to the Editor


Sent: Tuesday, February 01, 2005
From: Jill Milhorat, Rutgers School of Law, Newark, New Jersey
Subject: Paradise lost is found--Thank you!

I am writing to let you know how helpful your article has been. (*Paradise Lost is Found: Typographical Errors in Online Catalogs*, by Wendee Eyler, Associates (March 2004) < >)

I presented your list(s) to my various supervisors here as a means of improving the catalogs, but my initial suggestion was not received as wonderfully as I had hoped. So I decided to run a few terms on my own. I could not believe what I found--especially in the titles!

Anyway, I just wanted to thank you for taking the time to create such a helpful list and all of the updates. I happened to stumble upon another word that I found misspelled on nine occasions in this one library catalog (quite by accident) when running your list: "continuning". I just thought you might find this useful.



[Editor: Dear Jill: I appreciate you taking the time to write to me. Please note that all the credit for the typo list belongs to Prof. Terry Ballard who is now at Quinnipiac University in Hamden, Connecticut. Also, Phalbe Henriksen, library director of the Bradford County Public Library in Florida and Tina Gunther of Biola University get the credit for supporting and maintaining the current lists. I feel strongly that typos in the online catalog are more than a nuisance--typos can prevent patrons from finding the material they need. I hope you can convince your library to allow you to keep finding and correcting typos in records. When I showed my library the number of typos we had, they were immediately convinced that I should continue with my "clean-up" project. Thank you for your letter!]


Sent: Thursday, January 06, 2005
From: Fay Hayward, Bermuda College Library
Subject: Associates


I will be unsubscribing from Associates in the next few days, because I am retiring soon.

I just want to say how much I’ve enjoyed reading each issue. Working here, more or less in isolation, this is one of the ways I have managed to keep in touch with the unique world of library support staff. The humorous articles especially have appealed to me. Charlie Fox’s most recent contribution sums it all up eloquently. [*Getting To The True Story*, by Charlie Fox, ASSOCIATES (2004, November)]

You and your team are doing a great job in maintaining a balanced view of support staff issues.

[Editor: Dear Fay: What a nice email to receive this morning! I appreciate your comments and thank you for being a subscriber to Associates. I wish you the best in your retirement!]


Sent: Thursday, January 06, 2005
From: Kimberly Sanders, ALA
Subject: Email List Rental

Hi Wendee,

Please forward information on purchasing the email list of subscribers for the Associates journal. Thanks.

[Editor: Associates has never and will not sell, rent, or give the subscriber's list to anyone for any reason. (HOWEVER, in retrospection, if only I had! In less than two weeks from the date of this letter, the entire subscribers list of over 3,000 addresses was destroyed. Perhaps one day I'll see the ironic humor!)]


Sent: Friday, March 18, 2005 10:07 AM
From: Georgia Clark, Director, Arthur Neef Law Library, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan
Subject: Re: Associates: The Electronic Library Support Staff Journal

Wendee - thank you for your message [regarding subscribing to Associates]. Is this a publication that we could provide access to in our on-line catalog? We have a Library and Information Science Program as well as a large support staff and your publication contains very valuable information that could benefit a broad audience.

[Editor: Thank you! If you use OCLC, use record #30846821. The only valid and current 856 field is "|u". I appreciate your support.]


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