ASSOCIATES (vol. 2, no. 1, July 1995) -
CALENDAR OF EVENTS MICRONESIA ------------------ ------------------ November 8-10, 1995 Pacific Islands Association Yap, Federated States of Micronesia The Pacific Islands Association of Libraries & Archives (PIALA) will be holding its 5th annual conference in Yap in the Federated States of Micronesia. This year's theme is "Preserving Culture through Arhcives and Libraries" A pre-conference workshop on Archives Management and Book Repair is scheduled for Nov 6-7. For more information, contact: Arlene Cohen, 1995 PIALA Conference Chair RFK Memorial Library University of Guam UOG Station Mangilao, Guam 96923 Email: Telephone: 671-734-9416 FAX: 671-734-6882 UNITED STATES ------------------ ------------------ CALIFORNIA ---------------- August 11, 1995 San Diego, CA The Third Annual Greater San Diego Paraprofessional Development Workshop is being held at California State University San Marcos. The GSDPDW is the sponsoring group. "Taking Wing with Technology" TIME: 8:00am-3:30 pm Cost: $25.00 Keynote Presentation: New Adventures of the Invisible People ED MARTINEZ, EDITOR OF LIBRARY MOSAICS Spanish Phrases for Library Services SOARING TO EXCELLENCE -- Video tapes from the national teleconference. Choice of one 1) PROFESSIONAL IS AN ATTITUDE 2) TECHNOLOGY AND THE LIBRARY USER 3) TOOLS OF THE TRADE: REFERENCE SOURCES FOR REAL LIFE Palomar College Library Technician Certidication Going for your MLS Dealing with Difficult People Publishing for Paraprofessionals Format Integration Learning the Internet Registration $25.00 made out to: Katie Quinn, GSDPDW Send with payment to: Katie Quinn San Diego County Library 5555 Overland Ave Bldg #15 San Diego, CA 92123 For more information contact: Judith Downie Telephone: 619-750-4341 Email: or Bessie Mayes Telephone: 619-553-5715 Email: COLORADO -------------------- August 2, 1995 Denver, Colorado The 4th Annual Metro Area Parapros Conference will be held on the Auraria Campus. Keynote--Nancy Allen, Dean of DU Library Topic - Technology- our jobs now and in the future. How the new MLS program at DU assists in meeting these needs. Concurrent sessions: U.S. West - Technology; new advances and what the future holds! Jerry Brown, Director of Media Communication CLA Lobbyists - what is happening in Colorado Libraries, Legislation issues. Flo and Fufi Mendez, lawyers ADA -- American Disabilities Act and Libraries, how current is your library? Faith Groff, Rocky Mtn. Resource Training Association Break Out Groups - by interest (Circ, Ill, Children's, etc.) Highlights from the Soaring to Excellence Teleconference COLT and SSIRT -- Kent Slade/from Utah is attending to tell us about the Council on Library Technicians national organization. Jim Hill from Denver will tell us about the CLA Support Staff Interests Roundtable. They will discuss our need to participate in local, regional and national support staff organizations. Safety in Libraries - given by Sgt. Jim Manzareres of the CU Boulder Libraries. He will discuss Problem Patrons and Vandalism in Libraries. A question and answer session will follow. Special Libraries panel-- 6 special libraries will give information and answer questions. Customer Service -- service with a smile by the Tattered Cover. Paraprofessional Certification - a hot topic nationally! Do you know about it? What if you were required to go back to school to get certified as a Library Technician I, II, or III? Kent Slade/ COLT Regional Chairperson BCR-- what does it stand for, what do they do? Reference -- new approaches to the same old subject. Al Reddy, Auraria Reference Massage Therapy -- sore back, arms, neck-- desk work, computer work, shifting and moving books? It takes a toll on your body. Learn some helpful techniques to take the PAIN out of working! Boulder School of Massage Therapy Poster Judging and Prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place **** enter a poster about your library/events/projects, etc. Enter your poster at the Registration Table by 9am the day of the Conference. More details by e-mail to oneal@spot.Colorado.Edu Registration $2 (yes, that is correct, only 2 dollars!) Preregistration by 7/20/95 $3 at the door For registration and more information contact: Terrie O'Neal,co-chair Telephone: 303-492-4400 Email: oneal@spot.Colorado.Edu or Peggy Hogan, co-chair Telephone: 303-980-5651 ---------------- October 1, 1995 Colorado Library Association, Paralibrarian Division Snowmass, Colorado AnnaMarie Kehnast, Chair of the ALA Support Staff Interests Roundtable, will present "Our Responsibilities as Para- professionals" at the CLA annual conference in Snowmass, Colorado. AnnaMarie will identify changes all support staff need to make to connect with our colleagues in the fast-paced, ever-changing world of librarianship. Single day registration is $30 ($45 after Sept.8) or full conference (3 days) for $50 ($65 after Sept.8) For information contact: Patti Bateman, Conference Chair Telephone: 303-340-2250 Email: or Jackie Konselman, Para Division Chair Telephone: 719-593-3523 KANSAS ------------ November 2-3, 1995 Kansas Library Operation Associates (KLOA) Wichita, KS The KLOA conference will be held at the Red Coach Inn, I-135 & 53rd Street North in Wichita. The theme is KLOA: Rising to the Challenge. Our featured speaker is Tinker Massey. The topics for her two keynote addresses are: Rising to the Challenge: Library Careerists Evolving and Library Support Staff: Your Career Tinker's smaller presentations are: Participative Management and Role and Future of the Paraprofessional Other sessions will cover: financial planning; disaster planning; supervision/communication; Internet; diversity of patrons; directors' panel; material in different formats; plus more. For more information contact: Kay Kennedy, Sterling College Library P.O. Box 98 Sterling KS 67579-0098. Her Fax: 316-278-2775. MINNESOTA -------------------- August 18, 1995 Branch Out 1995 Collegeville, Minnesota Sponsored by the Minnesota Library Association Support Staff Round Table and employers of the planning committee, Branch Out 1995 will be held this year at St. John's University. This will mark the fourth "Branch Out" conference to be held in Minnesota. This year' program offers a divers program including presentations ranging from "Building Team Consensus", "Internet for the Curious, but Inexperienced", and "What are you Searching for? Subject Searching on the Internet". A tour of the unique collection of the Hill Monastic Manuscript Library will also be included as one of the conferences options. Keynote presenter is Meralyn Meadows, administrative assistant and currently acting director of the Stanly County Public Library in North Carolina. The conference will also give those who participated in the "Soaring to Excellence" teleconferences to attend the presentation "Soaring in Minnesota: Learning Opportunities for Library Staff" and a special presentation looking at the lighter side the role technology plays in our lives with "Soaring or Souring on Technology". For registration information contact: Cathy Knoke Minnesota State Law Library 25 Constitution Ave G55 St. Paul, MN 55155 Telephone: 612-297-7660 or Mary E.S. Hawkinson University of Minnesota Business Reference Service 201 Wilson Library Minneapolis, MN 55455 --------------------------------- October 11-13, 1995 Minnesota Library Association Annual Conference Mankato, Minnesota Programs planned by Support Staff Round Table for Friday, Oct. 13: Keynoter: Sheila Creth, University Librarian, Univ. of Iowa "The Future of Information Services and Your Place in This World" Rapid and significant changes in technology and information delivery force us to rethink how we do things. If libraries are to secure their place in the next century, we need to examine what changes are required in our work. Creth will address such issues as redefining our roles and responsibilities and what this implies for all staff, the need to acquire not only new knowledge and skills, but new outlooks, approaches and a willingness to give some of the "old", and finally the need to reshape our organizations to support this new environment. Sheila Creth gave the summary to "Who's who: the changing roles of librarians and support staff" at ALA in Miami, 1994. She is an excellent presenter who speaks to both librarians and support staff as she challenges us to change NOW. Panel: "Side by Side in Service" Teams comprised of a librarian and paraprofessional and representing academic, special and public libraries will discuss how they work in tandem to meet the challenges of their changing work. Panel: "The Grease that Keeps the Gears Turning: Admininstrative Support Staff" Despite their crucial roles in the library programs they serve, administrative support staff are often overlooked in conference programming. Although not part of Technical Services or Public Services, the work of those in administrative services plays an important role in meeting the library's mission. This panel will hightlight the ways in which their jobs support libraries. Support Staff Round Table Business Meeting/Reception For more information contact: Kathie Martin Interlibrary Loan Gustavus Adolphus College St. Peter MN 56082-1498 Telephone: 507-933-7564 Fax: 507-933-6292 Email: IOWA --------------------- September 12, 1995 Iowa Library Association Support Personnel Forum Cedar Rapids, Iowa Support Personnel Forum of Iowa Library Association The forum is sponsoring its second annual "Support Personnel Forum Conference". It will be held at Kirkwood Community College in Cedar Rapids. The fee for this one day workshop will be approximately $15.00. The proposed program will consist of: Panel Discussion: "Training and supervision of part-time students and workers". "Networking over Lunch" - informal groups "Intellectual Freedom" session; Gretchen Revie, Grinnell College "Netiquette" session - speaker to be announced "Stress Factor - too much to do, too little time"; Kathy Collison, Kirkwood Community College For more information contact: Kathryn Bly Kirkwood Community College Box 2068 Cedar Rapids, IA 52406; Telephone: 319-398-5687 or 319-398-5553 FAX: 319-398-4908 Email: OHIO ---------------------- November 2-3, 1995 Academic Library Association of Ohio Columbus, Ohio The annual conference will be held at the Fawcett Center in Columbus with the theme "Thriving in a Dynamic Environment: Moving beyond survival". The keynote speaker for the conference will be Dr. Patricia Senn Breivik, Dean of Libraries, Wayne State University. Dr. Breivik will speack on Information Literacy: Helping Learning to Thrive on Campus. The ALAO Support Staff Interest Group will host pre-conference programs on November 2. The theme will by "Library Support Staff: Managing in a Changing Environment". The keynote speaker will be Kathy Pletcher, Director of Cofrin Library at the University of Wisconsin Green Bay. Also included will be Paulette Feld, University of Wisconsin Oshkosh, discussing the activities of the Wisconsin Library Association Support Staff Section and how involvement in support staff activities helps us work in the changing library environments we all work in. The afternoon will also include panel discussion on Life after Change. For more information contact: Sara Bushong Bowling Green State University Email: OREGON ____________________ July 21, 1995 Oregon Library Association Library Support Staff Roundtable Wilsonville, Oregon Guest speakers at the Oregon Library Association's First Annual Conference include: Tinker Massey, Bill Erbes, Candy Morgan, Anne Billeter, and Larry Oberg. Sessions include, Internet Basics; Ill/Document Delivery; Intellectual Freedom on the Internet; Team Building; and Staff Development. Registration Deadline is July 19th. For more registration and other information contact: Donna K. Ainslie Lake Oswego Public Library 706 4th Street Lake Oswego, OR 97034 PENNSYLVANIA ------------------ September 30-October 3, 1995 Pennsylvania Library Association Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Programs include: Using the IOLS as the on ramp to the Info Highway Even You Can Talk to an Elected Official Services for Young Adults Keeping the User in User Guide Free Public Library Access to the Interet How to Involve a Community in Funding a Library Speakers include Paulette Feld, University of Wisconsin Oshkosh; Greg W. Lubelski, Geauga Co. Public Library in Chardon, OH; Richard Lederer, author of Anguished English (will speak at the banquet) and also do a program titled Conan the Grammarian, and Judith Krug, ALA Office for For more information contact Conference Chair: Pier Lee Peters Township Library 610-A E. McMurray Road McMurray, PA 15317 PH: (412) 941-9430 FAX: (412) 941-9438 RHODE ISLAND -------------------- October 1-3, 1995 New England Library Association Annual Conference Providence, RI The Paraprofessional Support Staff Interest Group will present two programs at the 1995 conference. Tinker Massey in her first New England appearance will speak on "The Paraprofessional Career: Challenges that Keep You on the Edge of Forever". Beth Patkus of the Northeast Document Conservation Center will discuss "Kick- starting Disaster Plans" Paraprofessionals and support staff are encouraged to attend other programs of interest at the conference. On Sunday, October 1, there will be an organizational meeting to discuss and help the Paraprofessional Interest Group to become a section of the NELA. For more information contact: Susan Ravdin Special Collections Bowdoin College Library Brunswick, Maine 04011 Email: WASHINGTON ------------------ September 22, 1995 Washington Library Association Interlibrary Loan Interest Group Ellensburg, WA Annual Fall Meeting Central Washington University Library Program: Morning Session - Copyright Issues for Libraries with Kay Vyhanek, Washington State University Afternoon Session - Internet for ILL with Nina Chambers, University of Washington For more information contact: Becky Smith Central Washington University Ellensburg, WA Telephone: 509/963-1003 Fax: 509/963-2126 -------------------------- November 2-4, 1995 Washington Association of Library Employees (WALE) Chelan, WA The Washingtron Association of Library Employees (WALE), an interest group of the Washington Library Association, will present their fourth annual conference at Campbell's Conference Center in Chelan, WA. This year's Conference "Bridges to the Future," offers participants a broad spectrum of workshops and speakers furthering the participant's education and exploring ways library employees can successfully meet the challenges in today's rapidly changing library environment. Focuses For This Year's WALE Conference - Recorded Books: Bridging Print and Paper - The Power of Change - Reference: How to Get to the Real Question - Listservs and Internet - Dealing with Problem Patrons - Book Theft, Mutilation and Mending - Olympia Report - Personal Safety - Reader's Advisory: A Bridge to Reading - Special Libraries Panel - Supervision: Planning Workflow - Microsoft Technology Registration if paid by August 1 WLA member $75 Non-member $90 Registration if paid between August 2 - September 15 WLA member $80 Non-member $95 For registration and more information contact: Leslie Franzen, Conference Registrar 840 W Patmore Rd. Coupeville, WA 98239 Telephone: 360-678-4911 FAX: 360-678-5261 WISCONSIN ---------------------- August 29-30, 1995 Madison, Wisconsin Hands on Internet (0.5 CEU) Section 0062: Tuesday, August 29, 1995, 8:30 am-1 pm Section 0063: Wednesday, August 30, 1995, 8:30 am-1 pm Limit: 24 each day Fee: $75 Location: Computer lab, 4191 Helen C. White Hall, 600 N. Park Street, Madison, Wisconsin Explore the Internet in this introductory workshop for library support staff and others. Learn about email, gopher, discussion groups and much more. Practice sending and receiving email from each other during class; subscribe and unsubscribe to electronic discussion groups; sample four freenets and play within them; explore Gopher, including a virtual reference desk and gopher jewels (a subject list in alphabetical order). The class meets in a computer lab for hands-on instruction. Instructor: Mark Beatty, Automation Specialist, Wisconsin Interlibrary Loan Service For more information: Linda Mundt Telephone: 608-263-4452 Email: For telephone registration: 608/262-7942 ------------------------------- October 24-27, 1995 Wisconsin Library Association Annual Conference Appleton, Wisconsin The Support Staff Section of WLA will sponson a full day of programming on Tuesday, October 24 including presentations on Reengineering Government, Certification of Paraprofessionals, ADA and empowerment, and Humor in the Workplace. Tuesdays program also includes the annual business meeting and discussion groups. The section will also cosponsor sessions on Wednesday including a panel discussion on Unions in Libraries and Security in the library. For more information contact: Paulette Feld, Support Staff Section Chair Technical Services Libraries and Learning Resources University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Oshkosh, WI 54901 Telephone: 414-424-7369 Fax: 414-424-2175 Email: TELECONFERENCES ---------------------- College of Dupage Soaring to Excellence II will be a reality, despite the fact that the federal government did not fund a second year of the grant! Here is a sneak preview: Soaring II will happen on Fridays this time. Probably the same time (approx. 12 to 3 EST) It will be on 11-3-95, 2-2-96, and 5-3-96. The topics and presenters are still in the formative stages. Some ideas are Internet II, How not to be an invisible person, Reference tools II, The library "climate": everybody's responsibility, special programs for special needs such as after-school care, and the homeless. For more information and suggestions contact: Linda Slusar College of DuPage 22nd St. and Lambert Rd. Glen Ellyn, IL 60137-6599 To promote your conference or workshop in the November or any future issue of "Associates" contact: Paulette Feld, Events Editor Technical Services Libraries & Learning Resources University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Oshkosh, WI 54901 Telephone: 414-424-7369 FAX: 414-424-2175 Email: