ASSOCIATES (vol. 5, no. 2, November 1998) -

Literary Lust


Carol Borzyskowski
Library Associate
Winona Public Library

Dark hair pulled back on her neck
glasses frame, conceal her eyes
the librarian watches beautiful men.
Sighs catch in her throat for
the tall young man. Earnest in his search
for enlightenment. His warm smile
causes her to imagine brushing her lips
to his, just to feel the warmth.
Big man with a gray pony tail
commands her desk and her heart
is captured. She hands him information
on local history and feels
herself twine around his knees and purr.
Then, serious, beautiful: thick glasses,
thinning hair, a brown skinned man
asks for a book about butterflies
she flies into his net,
bright colored wings beat
in time to her heart.
Young blond cherub wants
a book on puppies
she moans.
To cradle him on her lap
and breathe that warm beautiful boy scent.
The beautiful men,
Spring rises in her heart
full and warm
but it is chill autumn that she approaches
with landscapes that blur and change.

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