ASSOCIATES (vol. 2, no. 2, November 1995) -

Table of Contents

                     IN AN DISPOSABLE WORLD_

                          Neal Whitten
                 San Diego: Pfeifer and Company
                       ISBN 0-89-384269-9

                            A Review


                         Bob Farnsworth
               Senior Library Technical Assistant
                       Serials Department
                   University of North Florida

Yes, even in some library lounges, people are starting to hear
the same "good news, bad news" routine as in corporate
boardrooms.  The good news is that there will be more efficiency,
better use of resources, and fewer employee relations problems.
The bad news is that to accomplish this, there will be

In a very frank way, Neal Whitten deals with the problems of job
security -- in any job -- and speaks with experience from his
past years at IBM.  Whitten begins by reminding readers that most
people today "do not believe they have the capacity to succeed--
or even deserve to succeed--in accomplishing the endeavors they
feel are important."

This statement is followed by some very interesting checklists
and exercises designed to help the reader to determine if she or
he has accepted some common erroneous assumptions about
employment, risk-taking, and control of one's future.

Following Whitten's directions, one can now begin to learn to
reprogram oneself.  "Employment," he says", "is not guaranteed.
You must work to earn your position every day."

Whitten reminds us that the traditional idea of job security is
nearly gone.  These days, no matter how important an employee has
been in the past, he still has to prove his worth to his employer
every day.  Long tenure followed by a happy retirement can no
longer be taken for granted

While this can be depressing at times, we are still shown that we
do have some control--something can be done.  Within each job--no
matter how strictly guidelines have been set up, an employee can
and should set up personal goals in areas from time management to
constructive use of problem solving.

An employee should analyze the job as if he were his own
employer--and should design methods acceptable to his superiors
to incorporate continuous improvement.  Whitten sets up the
following steps:

     1>   Understand how you perform your work today; that is,
          the process you follow
     2)   Measure key aspects of your process
     3)   Analyze how you can improve your process
     4)   Make adjustments to improve your process
     5)   Repeat these steps, beginning with Step 1.

No matter what your job circumstances and situations, Whitten has
written sections also reminding you of your basic skills at
dealing with other people--whether they be co-workers or the
public in general.  Some suggestions include offering at least
one compliment each day, going out of your way to do something
kind for one person each day, and giving praise in public (and
criticism in private).

As you follow Whitten's suggestions, it is not unlikely that it
will be discovered that you are becoming more and more
indispensable.  As Whitten sums up, "The people who have the most
secure jobs tomorrow are improving their value today."