ASSOCIATES (vol. 7, no. 1, July 2000) -
Linda Rae Putnam
Documents Department
Florida State University
We live in a world that is changing even as you read this article. New technologies, new lifestyles, new countries and new communities are just a few of the worldwide changes. I read an article the other day about a man who was willing to pay Russia millions of dollars to be the first civilian in space. He wants a trip to the Russian Space Station.
With all of these changes we have to realize that the jobs of those who work in libraries are changing even faster. Every day that we come in to work there are changes that we need to deal with: programs to learn, techniques to master, and new and unique library materials to investigate. In this changing world we have to change also. Do you know of many large libraries today who still have a paper card catalog? When I first started working in Manatee County Public Library in 1972 I was called a "page" - a person who shelved the books used in the library.
When I became a full-time staff member I was able to check books in and out, using only paper and filing cards. When the books were returned, I would find those cards and replace them in the book. I remember spending hours counting circulation statistics and putting cards in order - fiction in order alphabetically by author and non-fiction by Dewey classification number. It is amazing to me how easy it was for those little cards to get lost and how many "dup." cards we had to type.
Then we thought we were up to date when we had a system that photocopied the cards and put them on microfiche. It turned out that this was as much of a pain as the paper cards; it just did not take up as much room.
Now almost everything is done by computer and, to me, it is much faster and easier. The problem with this is that we have to learn how to use these new computers.
For some of us, it is easy because we are fascinated by anything dealing with computers. For others, it is very hard. I know of one person who almost refuses to learn how to do most of it. It puts more of a burden on the rest of the staff when this happens. Although we have to be willing to change we also need the right tools.
I am planning a series of related columns that will deal with different aspects of computer or online library work. This first column is about cataloging and resources that are invaluable in processing materials.
These are not all of the sites available, of course, but they are the ones which give a little of everything. I hope I have not missed something important, but if I did I will try to pick it up in a future column.
This list shows the edition, date of publication, and arrival date of most tools in use within the Bibliograhic Control Services Division of the Memorial University of Newfoundland. It is presented here as a current awareness device to let you know when new editions and updates arrive and their location.
Information Available on the web, from California State University Northridge.
Cataloging Dept. Procedures - Florida State University.
Selected Technical Services and Cataloging Resources - Odum Library, Valdosta State University.
Catalogers' Reference Shelf
Cataloging & Classification Quarterly Homepage. This site provides readers of Cataloging & Classification Quarterly with abstracts of articles appearing in upcoming issues, special editorials, announcements, book reviews, and other general information regarding the journal.
The Cat Site - University of Rochester cataloging guidelines for internet resources.
MIT cataloging oasis.
IFLANET - Digital Libraries: Catalogouing and Indexing of Electronic Resources
CONSER - Cooperative Online Serials - an international cooperative serials cataloging program and component of the Program for Cooperative Cataloging.
The Interactive Electronic Serials Cataloging Aid (IESCA)
ISSN International Center.
ISSN online : the ISSN register on the web.
Library of Congress Cataloging Policy and Support Office.
Library of Congress Cataloging Directorate Home Page.
MARCit THE tool for cataloging the Internet in MARC format.
Princeton University Library Catalog Division Home Page
Tools for Serials Catalogers - A collection of useful sites and sources.
University of Virginia Library Cataloging Services Department.
CatPro: Cataloging Manual of the Resource Services Department, University of Florida Libraries.
Librarians' Resource Center - SLA Toronto Chapter Toolbox.
Library Resources.
The MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data is designed to be a carrier for bibliographic information about printed and manuscript textual materials, computer files, maps, music, serials, visual materials, and mixed materials.
Bibliographic data commonly includes titles, names, subjects, notes, publication data, and information about the physical description of an item.
There are 999 possible MARC tags, many of which have been established by the Library of Congress as fields in the various USMARC formats. This site lists each possible tag and, where applicable, its assigned usage in the bibliographic data format.
USMARC Reference Materials.