ASSOCIATES (vol. 7, no. 1, July 2000) -
Volume 7, Number
July 2000
To and From The Editors
*The Internet Guru* by Brad Eden
*Info from the Superhighway* by Linda Putnam
*Library Life: A Column of Eclectic Rantings* by Katie Buller Kintner
*View From the Backroom* by Carol Borzyskowski
*The Library Staff in Leadership Roles* by Ann Wilson
*Will Teams Alleviate Low Satisfaction in An Academic Library?* by Bruce Taylor
*Cat on a Hot Wet Tube, or Behind the Red Door* by Vicky Diaz
Web Site Review:
*Shopping on the Internet* reviewed by Michael Brooks
Book Reviews:
*No Surprises Project Management* reviewed by Bob Farnsworth
Conference Reports
* New York State Library Assistants' Association Annual Conference* reported by Judith Andrew
Conference/Teleconference Schedule
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